Saturday, September 4, 2010

When Problems Arise...


  1. Tessa-I love this little saying. I came across a little red book titled 'Keep Calm - Carry On' when I was in London last fall. I will now bore you w/the story of it's origination so that you will wish I wouldn't be your 'Follower' and so that I will regret sharing it in length here for not only you but the many JoyfulExpression Followers to goes: Two and a half million copies of this poster were printed on the eve of war 1939 by the British Governments Ministry of Information and would only be distributed in the imminent threat of a German invasion. Thankfully they were not needed and all but a few destroyed. The 'Keep Calm...' poster was discovered in a book in an old dusty box purchased at an auction by a book seller. Not knowing it's origin or what it was-the bookseller and his wife framed and displayed in their bookshop---they have since gone on to sell thousands of posters, mugs, T-shirts, towels...I have even seen a rug...I believe last season sold by Crate and Barrel.
    Anyway-it is simple but true...and actually quite powerful...and I thankyou for the reminder. Kiss Kiss

  2. So glad you shared that with me. How interesting. Makes me like that saying even more!
