Well Dear Friends, we have made it. Another chapter written, set in stone in our book of life. It all comes to an end today only to unfold a brand new story tomorrow.
I have watched new generations being born...
Goals Achieved...
Friendships grow...
Creativity soar...
Two loved ones take their vows...
First Dates...
Sickness healed...
Victory accomplished...
Independence risen...
Morals strengthened...
Two loved ones take their vows...
First Dates...
Sickness healed...
Victory accomplished...
Independence risen...
Morals strengthened...
Hopefully we are all a little more appreciative, compassionate, forgiving...
If your past year was full of hurt and sorrow, may the sun shine down on you this coming year and let you see the world a little differently each and every day.
May you always remember, we are not promised tomorrow so do all you can with what you have today.
Here's to a little bubbly and a New Year!
Joyful Me
Here's to a little bubbly and a New Year!
Joyful Me