Sunday, January 2, 2011


Have you ever studied a rose close enough to count the petals that surround it? Me neither until today. As I waited anxiously to deliver my dozen pink roses to a very special someone in my life, I had the time to observe the beauty of such a delicate flower. Did you know that no rose is alike? Did you know that each rose is made up of it's own DNA? Did you know that roses stem from a thorn like stem? Did you know each rose blooms on its own timing?

All pretty obvious answers if you take the time to look close enough... Yet, how many times do we over look the uniqueness of someone just because they look a certain way, or act a certain way. Observing the flowers reminded me that life is fragile, fast, and full of challenges along the way.

Each and every individual you pass on the street, work next to at work, and shake hands with on a Friday night all have a story. We are all made special and created to be... well, who we ARE!

My New Years resolution this year is to not let things be pushed off until a later time. We all have a limited number of days on this earth and compared to eternity it's a blink of an eye. Tell the ones you love, you love them, get face to face with resentfulness, and live life to the fullest. 

My challenge to you and me.

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