While googling around my computer the other day, I came across 50 things everyone should know how to do. Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately), I won't list them all for you to read... but I did choose my top 15 to share and they go something like this:
1. Give a compliment: It's one of the greatest gifts you can give someone, and it's free
2. Paint a Room:the true cost of painting is 90% labor. For simple painting jobs it makes no sense to pay someone 9 times what it would cost you to do yourself
3. Smile for the Camera: People that absolutely refuse to smile for the camera seem to always ruin a picture
4. Make a Good First Impressions: Aristotle once said "well begun is half done."
5. Sew a Button onto Clothing: It sure is cheaper than buying a new shirt
6. End a Date Politely Without Making Promises: There is no excuse for making promises you do not intend to keep. There is no reason why you should have to make a decision on the spot about someone you hardly know.
7. Hold a Baby: Trust me, injuring a baby is not what you want to do
8. Use Google Effectively: Google knows everything. If you're having trouble finding something with Google, it's you that needs help
9. Tell a Story that Captivates People's Attention: If you can't captivate their attention, you should probably just save your breath
10. Remember Names: Do you like when someone tries to get your attention by screaming "Hey You?"
11.Swim: 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Learning to swim might be a good idea
12. Deliver Bad News: Somebody has to do it. Unfortunately, someday that person will be you
13. Speed Read: Sometimes you just need the basic gist, and you needed it 5 minutes ago
14. Give Driving Directions: Nobody likes driving around in circles. Get this one right the first time
15. Listen Carefully to Others: the more you listen and the less you talk, the more you will learn and the less you will miss
So there you have it!
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