Thursday, March 22, 2012


To the first person to e-mail me at
and 10% discount for the rest of you.
Ready, Set, Go !

Thursday, March 15, 2012


First off... can I just say that Instagram has to be the most brilliant app out there. I mean think about it... you take a picture, you choose an edit, your friends like it and wallah you got yourself an app.  Some guy is living high off the hog right about now because of your pictures... probably in the Caribbean sipping margaritas while getting his feet rubbed and soaked in gold. Makes ya feel grand doesn't it?

Anywhooooo... here we go.
1. I am pumped I got to break out the peep toes in the middle of March- unbelievable weather we are having here. I'm soaking in every minute I can and praying it stays this way.
{yep, my second toe is longer than my first... means I'm lucky, right?}
2. Nice weather requires long walks at the local State Park with Mr. Sea Ray
3. Retro bowling shoes and balls at a senior day care center- pretty rad, eh?
4. HUH!?
5. A friend turned me on to the best eye shadow pallet out there right now-- Urban Decay Naked 2 
(she claims 1 is pretty good too)
6. Sport'n my new hat... and ever since this picture was taken Charlie has decided to take it upon himself to see what the hat would look like after he ran around the house with it in his mouth, shaking it back and forth so the shape now looks like a tilley hat {remember those? LOL}
Grrr little man... momma is not happy with you.
7. Girl Scout Cookies! - My favorite... Carmel Delights
8. Hi Mom {fine.... can't be mad at him for too long}
9. My beautiful little niece who is now starting to walk! You go girl! You are making Aunt Tessa proud.

Follow me : @tessajoy05

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Open Book

Erase. Start over. Erase. Try again.
These have been my attempts at putting up a post today.
It's 5:30pm on a Saturday night and the most constructive thing I have done all day is get a shellac manicure and a massage. If you don't find that constructive...bite me :) 
On that note.... some days I don't feel like being so "JOYFUL" and I more or less feel like just "EXPRESSING" my true feelings on this thing. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the fantasy of blog land and make everything in your life seem so rosy and beautiful with pictures and words. Don't get me wrong, I love photography and seeing how everyone makes their pages unique. It's like eye candy! However, I follow quite a few blogs and I can tell you that half of these bloggers have more troubles and heartache going on in their lives then what they make it out to seem.

So my question is...
Why do we do this? What is the purpose of making people believe that everything is peachy keen in our lives...that we just float around with an SLR camera in our hands and a smile on our face? Do we think that our readers will like us more?  That we will gain more followers? Are we afraid they will judge the real person God made us to be? This seems to be true in all forms of media these days.

I've got news for you. I'm not perfect. I screw up on a daily basis. When I take my makeup off at night, you will find plenty of imperfections. I don't have the best grammar and writing skills... but I don't claim to either! (I wasn't an English major). I tend to be more pessimistic towards things. I run late to just about everything. I have a horrible time remembering names. I can't even draw a decent stick figure for goodness sakes. But guess what... I am who I am. and this is my blog. I am free to write whatever I so desire. That is the beauty of it. 

ahhhh. sigh.... just wishing we could all be a little more down to earth. real. who we really are.

So my vow to you is that I will always leave my blog an open, honest canvas for the moments I feel inspired or have a thought I want to share. I don't need to update every day, have hundreds of followers, and paint my life out to be perfect all the time. Because it's not. ..and neither is yours.
I am who I am. You are who you are. 
Stay true to that and we will be able to see the true talent that God has placed in each and every one of us. 

That's all for now folks ! 