Saturday, September 11, 2010


Fall time only means one thing in my book... The Apple Orchard. Who can resist the apple cider donuts, pulled pork sandwiches, pumpkins, mums, candles, apples, animals, music, etc. The weather couldn't have been any better either. 
This picture may look complete, but right after I captured it, the families Golden Retriever came out to lay in the front yard. The whole scene was straight out of a magazine. I told the Edwards I would be willing to give an even trade for my condo. They said they would think about it...
On my way home, I couldn't help but recognize the beauty of the sun shining down on the tops of the corn stalks.
God's Beauty all around us. Day and Night. 

1 comment:

  1. Just finished reading your entire blog ( kids r sleeping ) and enjoyed it tremendously!! You are soooo talented Tessa!! Love u!! Your cuz Lauren.
