Monday, February 28, 2011

Remodeled Bathroom

As promised last week, here are pictures of my newly remodeled bathroom. Now, before I continue, I must admit that I have the gift of being very impatient at times. I was so anxious to get started with my project that I didn't  take any before pictures, and what fun is that! The only photo's of this bathroom looking like an old oak forest are from the day I moved in. Furthermore, they aren't even good pictures because I didn't show the oak vanity which was the big make over! You will just have to use your imagination.
Lesson learned. 

After all the long hours of sanding, priming, painting, it was finally finished. I couldn't be happier with the results but will be thinking twice about hiring a professional before I even consider doing the rest of my house. That is hard work!

So there you have it. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rainy Recap

As I was flipping through some older posts I noticed that there seemed to be a Joyful Expressions tradition on Sunday's where I  recap my weekend. Since it is my blog, I  do feel the freedom to express my thoughts any way my heart so desires. So with that, I think I will keep this tradition alive and kicking. 

Also, I would like to point out that I am a pretty neat and organized person , especially when it comes to making a list. Hence the reason for all my bullet points and numbers in previous posts. So bare with me because it is more appealing to my eye this way and I'm guessing yours as well. 
My Weekend:
  • The biggest event of the weekend took place in my bathroom. A little updating shall we call it. There will be a post soon regarding this one, so just hang tight 
  • I found out that my Etsy Store was set up to ship internationally and it would cost me $80.00 to ship a piece of paper to Norway. Whoops! So thankful that customer was understanding on that one. 
  • I discovered a love for hot peppermint tea thanks to a gracious co-worker
  • Pandora Radio is now telling me I listen too much and they will now be charging me (sad day)
  • Hosted a sweet family of three for Sunday lunch 
  • Lounged in pj's while I cleaned and packed for a work conference this week
  • Soaking in ( literally ) all of this rain. Call me crazy, but I have always loved rainy days. Even as a child, I wished for rain instead of sunshine on my birthdays. I never realized how odd this was until recently, but I can still say that I really do love it. Rain makes all the small things in life cozy.   My car, My bed, My house, My Socks, My Book.
  • Scarfed down a delicious meal at one of my fave's... Chipotle. (does anyone really know how to pronounce this correctly?) Chip-ot-el.?Chip-ot-lay? Chip-ot-lee? And why is it that when you mention to someone you ate there they also like to list off the different ways to pronounce it. Hm. Random thought.
  • Curled up to watch  a movie where there was only one scene and it was filmed inside a coffin.(Intense, but well written)
  • Enjoyed the rest and rejuvenation any relaxing weekend can bring

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

I Corinthians 13:4-13
LOVE is Patient.
LOVE is Kind.
it does not does not is not keeps no record of wrong.
LOVE does not delight in evil. LOVE rejoices with the truth.
LOVE always
LOVE never fails.
These three remain: Faith.LOVE.Hope.
The greatest of all

Happy Valentines Day.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Loving Life

Life is good isn't it?
When I say I am blessed. I mean it.
 Valentines Day is a day to celebrate the people in your life that you love; but why stop at just the people that we love? 
Here is my list of LOVES  and Blessings (in no particular order) at this point in time in my life:
1. Charlie Ray
2. Two selfless parents
3. Sister
4. Stable Job
5. Vacations
6. New Hobbies
7. Change of Seasons
8. Wonderful Grandparents that are still around
9.  Freedom
10. Do-overs 
11. Cozy Home
12. Close Friends and Family
13. Laughter
14. Sunrise/Sunset
15. New Gadgets

What is it that you Love about your life?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Printable Calendar

Sometimes I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown with all of the things I take on in life. I don't care what you say, being a single gal with no children can be just as overwhelming as having a family of my own. Here is why: we think we have more time because of the fact that we don't have kids to worry about and therefore we pile it on thick. 
 {we would rather be here}

Don't get me wrong, I love every one of my hobbies and aspirations that keep me busy on a daily basis, but I also like to feel organized and on top of them all! 

So... I have created this...
If you are like me and would like to print this out to either laminate so you can write all over it with a dry erase marker, or want to print it out once a week to stay on top of your busy life...
{click above}

"Organization is like exercise.
It's not very effective if you do it only once; you have to keep at it."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February Foes

 A Midwestern winter.
without it, we wouldn't enjoy spring. 
Embrace it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

White Wednesday

Most blogs I read usually feature at least one post titled "White Wednesday". I'm not really sure what the big deal is, other than the fact that if you like shabby chic, white pottery, white towels, white doors, white teeth (?) you will more than likely enjoy reading and looking at pictures of their post. 

 I have yet to blog about a "White Wednesday" myself because I think it's rather silly to be quite honest. But today was nothing BUT a white Wednesday, so I thought it was appropriate. Being woken up with snow that covered both my front door and my back door was shocking to say the least. I knew those crazy 'casters' were warning us all to be prepared, but I never pictured myself  so enclosed that  I wouldn't be able to open my door without a heaping pile of snow falling into my house. 

{please notice Charlie looking very concerned for my safety as the snow was practically up to my waist}
Reason's I loved this day:
1. Cleaned my entire house- WHITE bleach and all 
2. Baked two pumpkin pies
3. Made homemade chili
4. Took several naps
5. Finished up my WHITE ruffled pillow
6. Got to spend the day hanging with my main man, C-Ray
7. Read my new book
8. Created Valentine Cards (check back this week) 
What a great break in the middle of the week!
I wish all Wednesday's were this carefree .