Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don't worry. Be happy.

I came across this little book today called 14000 Things to Be Happy About. It made me realize that in every situation you are in there is always something to smile about. I decided to start my own list (don't worry it won't be 14000 phrases long) about the simple things in my own life that make me happy. So here I go in no particular order...

1.  Pulling a warm sweatshirt out of the dryer.
2.  Getting my hair shampooed when I get it cut.
3. The first warm day coming out of winter.
4. When you forget you had a three day weekend and suddenly remember.
5. Finding out a good friend is engaged or pregnant.
6. Having a good hair day. 
7. The way Charlie wags his tail every time I look at him.
8. Piano Music. 
9. Spending time with family and friends.
10. Winning.
11. Taking Pictures and going through old pictures. 
12. The smell of popcorn at the movies.
13. Receiving Mail.
14. Feeling grass in between my toes. 
15. Eating the skin off of the turkey on Thanksgiving.
16. Having clean crisp sheets on my bed. 
17. Having all of my bills paid.
18. Finding a good book that you can't put down. 
19. Being inside with the windows open on rainy days.
20. Potterybarn.

That was fun to create!


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