Sunday, February 13, 2011

Loving Life

Life is good isn't it?
When I say I am blessed. I mean it.
 Valentines Day is a day to celebrate the people in your life that you love; but why stop at just the people that we love? 
Here is my list of LOVES  and Blessings (in no particular order) at this point in time in my life:
1. Charlie Ray
2. Two selfless parents
3. Sister
4. Stable Job
5. Vacations
6. New Hobbies
7. Change of Seasons
8. Wonderful Grandparents that are still around
9.  Freedom
10. Do-overs 
11. Cozy Home
12. Close Friends and Family
13. Laughter
14. Sunrise/Sunset
15. New Gadgets

What is it that you Love about your life?

1 comment:

  1. YOU and your blog are some of my top few for starts! Happy Valentines Day!
